Many of you know my love for Disney Land, I am still a three year old at heart. Any excuse to watch Disney movie, or go to Disney Land, I am there! This weekend, we had to go to Disney land. Why? Because it’s finally Christmas at Disney Land!! I have always wanted to see Disney land and Christmas. On our journey across the 5 freeway, we enjoyed Christmas carols and laughs on the way to the happiest place on earth. Once we got into the park, we realized that we of course were not the only ones who had come up with this brilliant plan. The people crowded Main Street in preparation for the firework show, which was more than an hour away. However, it was so pretty. The castle was covered in flickering lights, sure they weren’t twinkling, but nonetheless they were amazing. It tops the Christmas light looking at that is in our neighborhood back home. After deciding that we are going to be master weavers in the crowds after the night, we weeded through to the next “cast member” to find out how to get through to the rides. Since we had an hour to kill, we made the obvious choice to go amuse ourselves with a ride. Thunder railroad was the least crowded so we hopped on. Whipping and dipping as usual, dodging boulders, avoiding being blown up by goats, the ride was going on as normal. Then we stopped. Now side note, I had to pee before this ride. Sitting, waiting to go to the end of the ride, we realized it was taking way too long to go to the station. What happens, the music stops and some mountain man comes on the loud speaker, “Howdy there explorers (or something like that) we are expecting some unusual delays, please wait while your host assists you”. Then the guy and girl come. Our thoughts “NO WAY! We are stuck and get to evac
uate the first ride we are on!” I was so thankful it wasn’t the darkest cave, I definitely would have peed my pants. Finally we start to evacuate, such an adventure.
The next part of our adventure was the firework show. Rumor told us that it would snow and we were stoked. The fireworks were absolutely amazing. Hearing them from Biola every night at 9 was borderline teasing, so I had been anticipating this show for awhile. Even though there were major cheesy sayings like “remember the magic of the season” and other fluffy duffy things, the show was so awesome. Then it snowed. It was more like bubbly white dots, but still way cool. It made me super stoked for Christmas.
After a few more rides, avoiding arrows from temple men, escaping Davey Jone’s curse, and watching Sarah and Sam spin their brains around, we were attracted by the bright lights on It’s A Small World. I felt like that bug on it’s a bug life “Don’t look in the light” “I can’t help it, its soo beautiful”. Dang bug knew what was up. As much as I do not like the It’s A Small World ride, we had to go, because it was Christmassy. After standing in line for a while, already hearing the song, we then get to embark on the journey through the world. It started off pretty with the Christmas lights, huge Christmas trees and jingle bells, smelling like cinnamon as well, and then the tragedy occurred. We never thought it could happen, buuut it did, yep got stuck on it’s a small world. I would like to compare it to a torture prison cell. No one should have to endure the 15 minutes AFTER we had gone through the world, of the same song over and over. We attempted to cover up the song, playing Sarah’s iPod, my music on my phone, no dice. Nothing could mask over the blaring children chants of horror that was escaping the speakers and attacking our ear drums, not even Beyonce’s Halo. Then they finally shut it off. Everyone screams a joyful yell of relief that they finally shut the music off. Since we had just evacuated the railroad, I figured we were going to have to evacuate again. As the lady was explaining how to get out of the boat to the group two boast a
head of us, I think, there is no way I am walking in this water to get out of this boat. Then she hears that she can start the ride again. The dad in front of me yells “DON’T START THE MUSIC AGAIN”. The lady laughs and says oh don’t worry, we won’t. One minute later, we hear the machines starting, knowing we are going to take off, then “It’s a world of laughter a world of tears…” instantly six boats full of people yell at the same time “NNNNOOOOOO!!!!” not only was it hilarious, but horrible at the same time. Once we finally escaped the death trap, we laughed, how often do you get stuck on 2 rides, the same night at Disney land?! But then again how often do you get the chance to belt Halo on It’s a Small World, or take pictures with the train on Thunder Mountain? I love Disney land =)
We finally tried benyays (or however you spell them) while we were there. They are these donut like fluffy New Orleans dessert things. so good
Seein' Stars
I have been waiting to go to Hollywood since the beginning of school I remember going there a couple times when I was younger with my family when we would go to grandmas. But it’s different with friends and no plans =). Sarah and I had this brilliant idea of working where things were filmed, however we didn’t really plan well. The first stop was the lunch stairs where glee sings a lot. I am not a gleek, let’s get that straight before you read further. I simply enjoy that show, there is a difference.
Anyway see the video, yeah we were there, no big deal. While we were there, taking the pictures, I noticed a helicopter circling an area where there were some cop cars, the chicken in me instantly assumed the worst, I was ready to bail thinking there was a gang shooting nearby. I blame my mom for this. Next stop, Hollywood boulevard. No worries, Julia Roberts was not there with her friends (Pretty Woman reference anyone?) Instead we met SpongeBob (who said in a creepy voice that he likes my freckles) Barney, Spiderman, Bumblebee, Darth Vader, Yoda, Elmo, Michael Jackson (um hello dude, MJ died, how are you supposed to be him? Pick a new person to impersonate…) and Batman. Now I love batman, except this dude was a creeper and a half. I finally built up the courage to ask him if I could take a picture with him, he told me that he only poses for tips, I didn’t have any cash, so I told him that sadly. He then decided that because I was so cool he was going to pose for free. Then after the picture he started saying something about Barbra, I go
t all nervous and ran away, I guess you can’t expect a sane person to dress up and take pictures on Hollywood walk of stars for a living can you? As we avoided characters, we started to scan for the Harry Potter footprints. (Sarah’s doing not mine). I wanted to find Justin Timberlake’s star, I know I am a tad obsessed, it’s ok as long as I admit it. Rather than walking and scanning all 100 and something stars, I decided that I should use my phone instead, and yeah there is an app for that-shocking I know. Well then I found out that he doesn’t have one. I was offended for him.
Snow white had one, how bogus is that?! As I attempted to get over this tragedy, we started to walk back to the car, only to find a huge cup cake give away as a part of the Food Network’s cake wars. (Side note, when we were in the parking garage I said to Sarah, hey that guy looks just like the cake wars dude). Well being a part of this awesomeness, we got FREE delicious cupcakes! Score! And hot chocolate, always a major win. As we continued our journey, we wanted to go to Beverly Hills, we were down there, why not go see where all the rich people live? By now, we were determined to find a celebrity, but no dice. We just assumed that there were some around us, or that every nice house that we passed was a famous person. Maybe next time we will find someone famous, I can only hope it will be JT =).