Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Its been awhile again, but school comes first my friends. =)

I must say that this past week has been amazing. Going home for spring break was really refreshing for me. I was getting extremely home sick after not being home for over four months. Being home and hanging out with all of my friends made me realize how blessed I am. God has not only given me an amazing new group of friends at Biola, but he has continued to bless me with the amazing people back home. I felt so loved with how many people I had to go see while I was home. Despite the extreme business, I loved every second. Even though when I was home for two years after high school and I was becoming somewhat sick of Arizona (not the people), after being gone for so long I realized how truly amazing it is. I have missed everyone there so much. I am looking forward to hanging out with my old group of friends again. Especially my lovely BFF kp, our dorky hilarious times are my favorite. I am so thankful for who God has placed in my life.

Spring Break Favs:
  • New record timing for getting home, under 5 hours. I am going with the "there was absolutely no traffic" idea, rather than thinking I was breaking any laws...
  • Lunch with Matt Boling followed by an epic double Savers adventure is always a good time.
  • Karyn Puleo lies claiming she beat me in an egg hunt, there are still 2 eggs missing (real ones might I add) in my backyard, therefore it is a draw because we did not complete the hunt fest.
  • Playing Scrabble with Vance, Karyn, and Sunshine learning new names for a pekingese dog
  • During my lovely PB&J lunch date with Megan Tappan, we discovered that mascara is rumored to be made out of bat poop, however instead it actually has fish scales in it, we are still debating on our comfort level of the new discovery, its a win that bat poop is not in the vicinity of my eye ball, however fish scales isn't exactly my top choice either.
  • Luke Wright's house is always going to be one of my favorite chill places. Love the conversations that go on there.
  • Lunch with Erin Long, oh how I miss her.
  • My mom and I discovered yogurtology, umm delicious
  • coffee with Cory and listening to his horrific theology of how a platypus came into creation still is making me laugh
  • Molly's snoring woke me up almost every morning and I couldn't have been more content.
Spring break was overdue and extremely needed, it made me excited to come home for the summer.

Just keep running, just keep running
Cheesy title, but you know what, I ran 13.1 miles so I get to say whatever I want. =). After training for three months, discovering muscles that I never knew could be sore, I accmoplished completing a half marathon with Abigail. Dedicating to running around five times a week, we were ready to be done with our insane decision. The race was "fun" despite my minor knee injury around mile 8. My parents were extremely excited that I finally decided I would run, (I do not know if you know me well enough but I tend to be somewhat stubborn to my parents, shocking I know due to my peachy, easy-going personality, but I refused to run simply because they were determined to get me to start running). After it is all done, I have to admit that I enjoyed it, I enjoy the feeling that I have of accomplishment as well as the soreness. I had to hobble around the library yesterday in attempts to get the materials needed for my research paper, and even though I thought I was going to cry every time I stood up, sat down or bent down to get a book of the lower shelf, I love the feeling. Stairs are still a challenge being day 2 after the race, but sadly ( and I hate to admit this in writing) I think that I am going to continue with running and run another. [ew I cannot believe I just admitted that].

For your viewing pleasure:


  1. Hey there friend... didn't know you had a blog. ;) Great to see you when you were back. Hope you're half marathon went well. peace!

  2. some people made me get one so they can know what I am up to while I am in cali =). Nothing compared to your deep theological blog =) Great to see you too! I will be home already in two weeks. I am feeling some summer hang outs in the future?!
