Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happiest place on earth

A couple of weekends ago was parent’s weekend. I found it awesome that it really meant family weekend since my brother and I Are so cool and we moved to the same place [I didn’t copy him] I also felt pretty blessed because I was one of the only ones out of all of m y friends whose parents were not only coming to see me, but were also willing to drive 6 hours to see their favorite freckle faced child. Even though I had more homework than weekend than I could even handle, Friday afternoon I left my dorm not knowing that I was only going to be there for like 8 hours to sleep. My mom was so eager to see me, but who could really blame her- I am Jacqueline Christine Rice the first =) She couldn’t wait til six when my brother and I were originally coming over, so she had to come pick me up with my Dad. I didn’t disappoint them by keeping my pattern of taking 10 minutes longer to be ready than what time I said I would be. I got to the hotel with a bucket of goodies waiting for me, always a major score. Side note, my mom missed me so much, she smelt my hair, no worries I gave her a hard time for this creepy gesture air weekend. After some family bonding I got to spoil my mouth with actually good tasting food for the first time in a while [college kinds can’t afford P.F. Chang’s thank goodness for my parents and their love for that restaurant and spoiling their kids]. Then we hung out at their hotel for a while. I have to admit this was my favorite part (ok tied with Disneyland) of this weekend [insert mom’s tears here—I know you are reading this mom.]I was content just hanging out attempting to all fit on a king bed (you have seen how tall I am, so you have to imagine my brother isn’t smaller). It was fun just all being together again laughing at random things. The next day we went to Disneyland [Who has two thumbs and owns a Disneyland annual pass…THIS CHICK! What what!] Apparently we weren’t the only ones who thought that Disneyland on a Saturday was a good idea since apparently everyone and their mom was saying what up to Mickey and his friends. You would never know we were in a recession when you go to Disneyland on a random Saturday in October and see not only how many people can afford a 101 dollar park hopper pass each but also pointless souvenirs that are at least 20 bucks each and will most likely left on a ride in about 20 minutes. I love Disneyland though, so stoked to be able to go there whenever it tickles my fancy. Yes I am a 20 year old who is excited about Disneyland. Not only did I do that, I also stood in line to get a picture with woody. But I have a 4 toddler limit, which saddened me when I came across Buzz and there were at least 6 toddlers in line to take a picture with him, I have more pride than that. That weekend was a lot of fun. I am 98% sure than it was better than anyone else’s parent weekend. Just sayin =)

Tid bits of knowledge.

Drivers in Arizona slow down when it rains, California drivers speed up, and scare the bageezes out of me.

I can stay up til 130 am wake up at 730 and function normally very exciting

The cooking channel at the gym is not fair.

There is a Justin Timberlake doppelganger who goes to Biola, its my goal to meet him, in a non creepy way I promise

I am more like my dad than i admit, I notice these things when I get all into holidays, as in decorating a pumpkin

Two videos for your viewing pleasure, keep in mind, Justin is mine so don’t get too excited.

for those that already saw me post the last one on with it I LOVE it. Justin is so funny =)

Another tradition that I hold is taking "creeper" status pictures of my brother whenever we are in crowds, gives us something to do, and I think it makes him feel famous like i am paparazzi or something. Here are the two winners:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

20 years old and no Curfew

Adventure of the Week:

The most recent and exciting adventure was to the Santa Monica Pier. The night started with a Target run, as does every Saturday night these days. Purchased a new hamper that makes everyone else’s hampers jealous on laundry day! I also was able to assist Michelle in an electrical issue for her TV (thanks to my dad and teaching me everything I know about exterior illumination as well as other electrical nonsense) in the mix, of course, was also a Glee blasting session. Side note for another reason that I love my phone; I looked up the lyrics so I could join in on the “Total Eclipse of My Heart” belt sesh. Finally at 930 we thought we could make it to the pier by 10 since we were told it closes by then. Then we found out that it doesn’t close till midnight...SCORE. On our journey we thought we were making fantastic time, little did we know that it was also flow fest night in Santa Monica. The insanity stared when exiting the freeway to a billion cars. I am now a firm believer in GPS systems being smart enough to tell you if the roads are closed or if there is going to be a sea of stoner ravers on the beach (you would think there would be an app for that right?) Twenty minutes of pedestrian watching almost being killed by crazy Taxi drivers (THE YELLOW ONES DON'T STOP!--words of wisdom from the wise Buddy the Elf) as well as a fantastic CD of Flo Rida and Katy Perry (shout out to Michelle’s sister for great mix CD skills!) we finally parked. To sum up the rest of the evening, apparently Abigail is “too young” for one guy as well as is from Wisconsin and I speak French. We didn’t know that glow fest would include creepy groupies, now we know! The roller coaster was so old and slow that the cheesiness of it made it a blast. We even got a fantastic snap shot on the ride, but I refused to throw down 20 bones for a picture and they figured out the whole high resolution on good phones trick so you cannot do that either..sad day! To complete the evening, Michelle and I attempted to hook up her new TV so we could complete our Saturday night festivities with a 2 a.m. guitar hero jam fest. [Side note: Her T.V. is the biggest trooper after plummeting to its near death experience from the 6 foot high wardrobe to the concrete floor and only coming out a tad dented and cracked plastic corner]. We then found out the hard way after changing all 125 channels (I was extremely determined) that we were not going to be heroes that night because we needed a remote to change the AUX nonsense. Reason number 965 of why I love college/dorm life/BIOLA I did not get to my dorm room until about 3 am (sorry mom, I really dig this freedom thing!)

Class Favorite of the Week:

I first have to say that I LOVE my classes, especially my bible classes even though i have to read a TON. But this blog i am going to focus on my current favorite. Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual formality is amazing. Not only are there zero tests in that class, but the lectures are entertaining and filled with real life lessons. My favorite part of that class has been writing these SIM papers, they are sometimes time consuming but i am actually being taught how to read the Bible and apply it to my life. That sounds silly, but when you have to fill 3 pages on one 5 verse bible passage makes you actually get the meaning behind it. I also had to write a 5 page personal testimony. That was what really did it for me. I loved it. At first I was skeptical because I did not think my story could fill 5 pages, but i made it 6- THAT'S RIGHT BABY! It was so awesome to just reflect on my journey to be where I am today with God and i loved it. I was reminded of how blessed i am with who has been part of my life and who has helped lead me to Christ. This class is making me think-and I love that. Also my professor actually knows my name and about me, he spends time reading everyone's papers as well as prayers individually for us all through out the year. That's common with profs here, but that's just another reason that BIOLA is amazing.

Tid Bits of Knowledge for the week:

  • Criminal minds doesn't post their episodes online which makes me sad
  • I miss grilled chicken rice and veggie dinners and the Rice Casa (I never thought I would admit that)
  • Boys living together creates a very loud video game competition at random hours of the night, as well as an odd comfortableness with each other.
  • CRV tax and i are NOT friends!
  • 12 am at the library on a Tuesday is where the real party is at! =)
  • I LOVE getting mail (hint hint)
  • I miss my AZ friends
  • I LOVE my classes
  • I am not the only one who names their car a boys name! (to all of those who said it had to be a girls name..Evan and I both would like to say :IN YO FACE!)
  • the definition of what it means to get "slizzard" (it doesn't have anything to do with lizards, sad i know)
Favorite Phrases at the Moment:

1. "AH WHITNEY HOUSTON!" explanation with the original dialogue: Michelle: Oh maybe we will see the hot guy that I always see when I am in the caf Me: Who is this guy, you will have to point him out Michelle: I cant just point at him that would be awkward and obvious Me: fine we will have a code word scream Whitney Houston and I will come running Michelle WHITNEY HOUSTON! Me: that's not how this works! now we walk around screaming whitney houston, people think we are crazy
2. Crusty Crusts-- the new term for if we have chapped lips and need lip balm.. youtube it and you will get it
3. Kimosabe--thanks to Usher