Top Ten Favorites of the Week:
- Standing in line waiting for the cheeseburgers to be done, Abigail and I stood in line behind a guy whom we have named bumble bee (reason being he had black hair where he shaved some lines on the side---did that look really come back? and a bright yellow shirt on...creative I know). Anyways we were chillin there having our normal conversations of randomness when out of no where Abigail says to me, with a complete straight face, "My spine kind of grosses me out", (insert my shocked don't know what to say blank stare back at her here) "I mean its so boney like that dinosaur..." the traumatized look on bumble bees face was priceless.
- Finding out that in every song on Taylor Swift's album covers, she has letters capitalized that have secret messages to who they were written about. My two specific favorites are "Should have said No"which the code said "Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam" (I wouldn't like to be Sam) and the one for "innocent" which is about Kanye that says "Life is full of little interruptions"
- Coming up with code names for certain people that way everyone at Biola doesn't know who we are talking about then using their real name on accident then quickly changing to their code name, someone is clearly going to catch onto our secretive names.
- Telling Cory while Skyping that I was reading for my health class and his response "don't have sex or you will get gonorrhea and die--there you go you are done with homework" and then crystal's burst of laughter
- Going to Disneyland with Matt Boling was technically last week but I decided to make it in this blog instead. Spread out my stories a tad. We rode space mountain with ponchos, see the lovely picture. We also watched the snake video that is at the end of this blog (stupid yes, but hilarious at the same time), we were saying "I'm a snnnnakke"all day. Riding Indiana Jones and attempting to tell him something in the middle of the ride--doesn't end well with all the noise and movement haha. Going into the Tiki Room was borderline traumatizing. I am 90% sure there was a sacrifice at the end. So many great stories from one trip.
- Pilates with Abigail and Daniella- quote of the night- "Don't disrupt my powerhouse" we figured thats like Pilates "chi" who knows.
- Peanut Butter filled chocolate covered pretzels from Harry and David. its not really an event,
but i am thinking about making a day dedicated to them.
- My dad sending me a dancing singing bunny. Playing it in the middle of the mail box courtyard area and watching everyone walk by laughing was pretty sweet.
- Thursday Morning Talon hangouts with Annalisa, Abigail and Jessica are 2 hours full of laughter.
- During Spanish class while my Spanish teacher was telling us something, she decided to open the door because the heater was on and cooking us all. When she opened it she slammed a student on the other side with the door, then spoke in Spanish laughing and saying sorry.