For the first few weeks here I have had somewhat of an overwhelming shock of how different all churches of Christianity can be. I never really thought about the fact that not every church does it like CCV, well I have thought about that but I just did not put that into the mix for how BIOLA was going to be. CCV is all that I have ever really known when it comes down to a church service and let me just throw out there that every church I have gone to as well as all of the chapels have been pretty different than CCV. Not in a bad way, just different. I have been forced to open my bible a lot more, but that comes with bible classes =). I have been shocked also with this new sense of community thanks to living on campus. I walk to class and people actually make eye contact and smile!! That does NOT happen at GCC, you are lucky if you walk by someone and don’t get an angry look of death—ok that might be exaggerating a tad. [Side note, do not get the creepy image of a bunch of Ned Sanders walking around waving and always so creepy happy that’s not the case at all ha] But I do love this new community.
The dorm life is also a blast. Stewart, my dorm, is hilarious. The RA’s and RD are so tight with each other and love what they are doing for the dorm that it just spews to the rest of the dorm. They are IN LOVE with Braveheart! So awesome. The first all hall tradition (our welcoming to the Stewart Community) was pretty much like we were in Scotland and our RD was Mel Gibson (he even had the blue painted face) That night, walking into the lobby, I was slightly terrified of the fact that all the RA’s were in kilts and there was face paint involved. I had no idea what I was about to witness. After it started I was thinking that it was just going to be a normal rule speech about the dorm, but that was before I knew how awesome Stewart really is. After the mandatory shpeal, we had to go find our RA’s on the field where they had painted their faces and were all holding tiki torches. Our “initiation” to be welcomed into the dorm was to get our faces painted based on our floor name. There were Braveheart speeches and other motivational hilarious speeches, it was like we were going to go to war..so awesome. This huge change is awesome, I am very thankful that God is letting this be a part of my journey. =) My future blogs won’t be as long I just had so much to fill you guys in on! (and I wanted to avoid my stack of homework anyway =)

The ever so wonderful long board incident explained
It started as a typical Sunday, went to church, had lunch at Newport beach, you know no big ;) Back at campus later that evening, I was hanging in my new friend Michelle’s room and she was talking about how she skateboards and had her long board and her skateboard with her. We were waiting until we had to go to Singspiration at 8, so we had 30minutes to kill. My brilliant idea of course was to go off campus and long board! (long boards aren’t allowed on campus, for safety reasons—I didn’t really grasp that concept until about 745pm that night.) Brainstorming where we could partake in our adventure, I remembered that right behind my dorm behind the wall there is a cul-de-sac. So we start our journey over there-interruption I am still in my church clothes [jeans cute top and flip flops] - and come to the wall. We jumped a wall only to realize that there was a fence to exit about 2 feet down- this was only the beginning of the absurdity of this event! So once we were off campus and allowed to get on our boards, Michelle transformed into tony hawk. We approach this hill, now I have to say that this hill did not look as steep or fast, it was extremely misleading! So the adventurous side comes out of me and I say LETS GO FAST DOWN THE HILL! She warns me that it is not like the Arizona hills, but thanks to my dad’s stubbornness being passed down in my genes, I disagreed and said ah how bad could it be? About 3 minutes later, I imagine that Michelle turned her head to see a mass amount of red fly in the air, as well as hear the street steal all my skin (YES INCLUDING FRECKLES) from my elbow, hip and big toe. What was I doing, laughing; she looked at me like I was crazy because she could see the crater in my elbow as well as my toe that looked like a piranha got it. Freaking out Matt and Patrick, a clueless campus safety guy (he thought it was my bone exposed but I was explaining to him that I am literally THAT white that it was too dark outside to see), 2 closed urgent cares, freaking my mom out, scary old people at the ER, strained shoulder, and possibly broken toe later, I came out with a bracelet with my name on it..TOTALLY WORTH IT =)
So far, the best example of how awesome dorm life is. Nation ball is a GIANT dodgeball game where one entire dorm goes against another dorm. Keep in mind that each dorm has about 100+ students—just so you can really grasp the insanity of this. My brother had told me about this before, so I knew that there was no way I was going to miss this. However, due to the long board incident, I did not think that it would be the wisest choice to actually play so I just got to watch. The night started with a sea of red (our team color) chanting in our dorm lobby, followed by a motivational speech incorporating dodgeball as well as Braveheart quotes about how we were going to completely dominate the other teams. Since Stewart is also all about making an entrance, we followed a red jeep blasting Scottish music all the way to the gym. The gym was filled with screaming teams of all different colors I instantly thought “SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!!” I could not get over how random everything was. Anyone that had already partaken in this knew that props were a must, and there was everything between a girl dressed up as an avatar for the blue team to a dude walking around with a shake weight. The Emerson boys cracked me up, they had their dorm vacuum cleaners and were cleaning the floor every time that someone from another team was on it. Apparently there is another Nation Ball in the spring…so stoked!